healthy eating

53 posts

environmental influences on eating habits

How does environmental influences affect eating habits?

As National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches, we’ve witnessed firsthand how the environment shapes our eating habits. It’s a complex interplay of factors, from the food availability in our neighborhoods to the cultural and social circles we’re part of. Today, we’re delving into this topic, exploring the myriad ways […]

Diet culture phrases

It Ain’t Sexy

by Debbie Peterson “I’m on day six of my cleanse,” the woman said to her friend sitting next to her at the chiropractic office waiting room. She was probably in her 60’s, graying hair, comfortable clothing. “Oh, how is it going?” The friend, probably around the same age,  turned to […]

KC Sullivan of Two River Mushrooms

Interview with KC Sullivan of Two River Mushrooms

Meet KC Sullivan, owner/founder of Two River Gourmet Organic Mushrooms. In this podcast we learn all about the wonders of mushrooms, including a future that uses mushrooms for things not food-related! Fascinating information that will make your mouth water and motivate you to go get some of his mushrooms to […]

Our appetizer was “fresh cici beans” with a sesame dressing

Cici Beans

by Debbie Peterson Last week, I had the privilege to go out to eat with my mother at Semolina Restaurant in Red Bank. It’s a fairly new place, having the space that the restaurant Dish used to be in on White Street. I chose it because they are a farm-to-table […]

These are some of the warning sign of orthorexia.

Are you Orthorexic?

orthorexia – an obsession with eating foods that one considers healthy or proper; fixation on righteous eating She came to me because she wanted validation that everything she was doing was right.  During her Health History Consult, she quickly outlined all the good foods she was eating and then gave me a […]

this Magic Bark recipe is a crowd pleaser

Magic Bark

Tis the season….all year long really… But especially during the holiday season, this Magic Bark recipe is a crowd pleaser. Wendy’s recipe is inspired from The New Persian Kitchen by Louisa Shafia.  She had a post in a Yoga Journal many years ago and headed strait for the kitchen to […]