In this podcast, we discuss what’s in season and why it’s important to eat these foods as well as our take on detoxing and cleansing. Eating with the seasons.
We introduce toxins to our skin and breathing air every day without knowing it. What you don’t know CAN hurt you.
Do we always practice what we preach as health coaches?
It’s a word you’ve heard, for sure, but maybe you think, “Not me. Not yet,” or “What is that anyway?” If your in your 40’s, you are probably in the midst of perimenopause, so why not explore and celebrate it? May seem odd to say, so why not start your exploration right here . . . Listen.
Whether or not you believe in making resolutions, the idea behind it is usually always to improve ourselves, and that’s not such a bad thing. But why wait until January 1st or the first day of Spring, or your birthday? Why not just make realistic, attainable goals right now. Today. Go ahead, do it. Now.
As we discussed last podcast “It’s Your Move,” movement is of utter importance to our health. But, it’s not quite that simple. In our modern times, we are moving in ways our bodies weren’t designed for and the end result is pain and often injury. This podcast, we interview Chris Verdi, owner and founder of a fitness studio in Allenhurst, New Jersey. He has a very different take on exercise and his work has helped hundreds of people be free of pain and injuries. Listen to learn more about his philosophy and practice.
We were born to move–there is no doubt. And those of us who do are ultimately healthier and live better quality lives. It’s simple and can be the difference between happiness and comfort or grumpiness and discomfort. Listen to how we approach how we want you to move.
No one is perfect, and no one should be. When it comes to eating healthy, the best rule of thumb is the 80/20 rule. But it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. Listen to our second Beyond Food podcast to learn our philosophy on healthy eating.
Being healthy, is not only about eating nourishing foods, but also about having a healthy mind, body and spirit. In this podcast, we give our advice as to how to nourish beyond food, which, of course, influences the food choices we make. When we feel good about ourselves, we treat […]
Our government assures the public that many additives in our packaged foods are GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), a categorization that allows manufacturers to put various chemicals in our food to make it profitable. But what they considered safe, we consider toxic. Listen and learn why.
‘Tis the season! Most of us don’t escape getting at least one cold at this time of year, and chances are, you’ll probably get more than one, especially if you have children. But we’re not defenseless! We may not be able to avoid the viruses, but we can prevent […]
Melatonin is much, much more than a hormone that helps us fall asleep. It is a major key to optimal health. Who knew? Listen to discover all the wonders of this hormone we all take very much for granted.