
373 posts

It’s always scary to read about additives


It’s always scary to read about additives and what these chemicals can potentially do. Part of the scariness is that they are in virtually all processed foods in some form or another and most of us are eating some kind of processed food every day as are our kids.  One […]

many additives in our packaged foods are GRAS

Ewww, that’s GRAS: Our Take on Additives

Our government assures the public that many additives in our packaged foods are GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), a categorization that allows manufacturers to put various chemicals in our food to make it profitable. But what they considered safe, we consider toxic. Listen and learn why.

our all-natural, healthy remedies for this cold season

Got a Cold?

‘Tis the season! Most of us don’t escape getting at least one cold at this time of year, and chances are, you’ll probably get more than one, especially if you have children. But we’re not defenseless!   We may not be able to avoid the viruses, but we can prevent […]