Judgment is a Curious Thing by Wendy Bright-Fallon The battle goes on in our head all the time – the constant, relentless, ceaseless chatter of judgment. About you, me, her, him and them. Destructive. Judgment is not a comfy bedfellow. It sneaks up on us – the not measuring up, […]
Tis the season….all year long really… But especially during the holiday season, this Magic Bark recipe is a crowd pleaser. Wendy’s recipe is inspired from The New Persian Kitchen by Louisa Shafia. She had a post in a Yoga Journal many years ago and headed strait for the kitchen to […]
by Debbie Peterson Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, healthy food was for “hippies.” I remember going into health food stores with my mother. They all smelled the same. An earthy, patchouli, rotting produce smell. They were always small and rustic and the people who worked there, were, well, […]
What color do you cook your green vegetables? Nourish Noshes Podcast: 50 Shades of Green At the little family-owned local Italian deli that I every so often buy prepared foods, my daughter recently asked if she could get their broccoli rabe. This is a vegetable that I make regularly at […]
CBD is so popular right now, and gaining more and more interest every day. So, what is the big deal? In this podcast, we explain this big deal and what we’ve researched about it and why we take it ourselves. We also discuss why you should think twice about where […]
“What do you think about Detox plans, Wendy?” she asked me with an eagerness I’ve seen many times. It felt an honor to be asked in front of a group of other knowledgeable people – but it was also a little uncomfortable because it can be a heated topic. My […]
By Debbie Peterson Integrative health I’m often telling clients to let go of the stories they tell themselves. “I need coffee first thing in the morning;” “I’m not good at exercising;” “I need something sweet after dinner . . .” We all have these little stories. Some of them aren’t […]
Our Nourish Coaches recipe has been adapted from Alice Keppley recipe found in Simply in Season. The sweet potato is packed with nutrients, solves a sweet tooth craving, helps balance blood sugar issues and, according to Rebecca Wood in her book The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia is good for tonifying […]
It’s the ideal season to start a new habit of movement. If you are having trouble getting started or staying motivated, we’re your cheerleaders. Let’s get moving!
Want to age gracefully AND live life to the fullest? Have you ever thought of what your life will be like when you are old? If not, there is no time like the present! As we witness more and more people living to an older age, we’re seeing more and […]
Cravings are universal and natural – but what we do with them can really trip us up. In our latest Nourish Noshes podcast, we talk about how we use food to fill the voids and calm our nerves. We share specific tips on deconstructing cravings and a few ways to skip […]
Do it anyway… Do you ever feel like staying home and curling up on the couch with a good book instead of moving your body? I do… Yet… 100% of the time, after yoga, I feel better. 100% of the time, after a run, I feel better. 100% of the […]