
166 posts

KC Sullivan of Two River Mushrooms

Interview with KC Sullivan of Two River Mushrooms

Meet KC Sullivan, owner/founder of Two River Gourmet Organic Mushrooms. In this podcast we learn all about the wonders of mushrooms, including a future that uses mushrooms for things not food-related! Fascinating information that will make your mouth water and motivate you to go get some of his mushrooms to […]

cravings may actually be that you're hungry for connection.

Hungry for Connection

Now, especially, during these COVID times, your cravings may actually be that you’re hungry for connection. What protein powder do you choose? Which vegetables are the best choice for true health? What supplements should you take? Does that really matter? There are other, possibly more important factors for true health and […]

3 part series on Tuning In to Ourselves

Tune In Series Episode 3

The third episode of our Tune In series is addressing deprivation. We dive into the “shoulds” that are embedded in the diet culture: “You should eat this or not that.” We ask you to question everything–all those messages that tell you what to do. But YOU know what’s good for […]

challenges of sheltering at home with family or by ourselves

Connection in COVID Times

In this podcast, we discuss the challenges of sheltering at home with family or by ourselves. And how to get a perspective on what this unique time is doing to our sense of self. After listening to this one, check out our other podcast on connection from 2019: Get Connected.

It's a time of sheltering in place

Cocooning in the Kitchen

It’s a time of sheltering in place, and a lot of us are finding ourselves in the kitchen more than ever. What are you making; how are you dealing with making meals with what you have? How is this all affecting you during this new world order?