Daily Archives: March 22, 2016

5 posts

we discuss what's in season and why it's important to eat these foods

Seasonal Eating: Spring Crops

Artichokes have a main harvest in the spring when the largest thistles are available (there is a second crop in the fall). Look for artichokes with tight, compact leaves and fresh-cut stem ends. Arugula tastes best in the cool-weather. It will bolt in warmer weather (begin to flower) which brings a much […]

springtime is the natural time to clear out the body

Spring Cleaning?

Every year at this time, you start seeing the words detox, cleanse, reboot, and reset or any other idea that it’s time to make some serious changes to clean out your body. Businesses like ours try to capitalize on this trend, offering all kinds of programs and promises that will […]

Change is in the air through weather and harvests


Every year at this time, you start seeing the words detox, cleanse, reboot, and reset or any other idea that it’s time to make some serious changes to clean out your body. Businesses like ours try to capitalize on this trend, offering all kinds of programs and promises that will […]