Our Answer to Complicated Questions

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ~Dr. Seuss

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
~Dr. Seuss

This quote came up today and it hit home for me and what we do here at Nourish… {read on for our formula!}
I turned and looked at our huge stack of books at the office (another stack is at both of our home offices). Each one has its own idea, theory, practice – and it can get complicated…but it doesn’t have to be.

We can overthink, overanalyze, study more, read more…

Yet, at the end of the day, we can simplify our approach to health in so many ways.

It this coming season of spring, there are lots of opportunities for detoxes and resets. We have our own version here at Nourish we are happy to share in our free talks coming up next week…there are three times to choose from – check out the dates here to find one that fits your schedule…

In the meantime, here is our simple formula:

  • Eat Real Food.
  • Rest Well.
  • Move More.
  • Mindfully Respond.
  • Deepen Positive Connections.

We don’t have to make it complicated.
We simply need to DO IT – one step at a time.