Lessons from the Mountains

25th Anniversary Celebration of Young Living

by Wendy Bright-Fallon

Last week this time, I landed in the mountains of Utah for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Young Living.

With about 40,000 people from all over the world – there was a lot of high energy in one spot. You might already know that I love using their essential oils and oil infused products every day – it’s one of the many tools I use to live a healthier and happier life.

One of the main messages that resonated for me at convention is that we can’t just rely on the oils’ properties to do their magic, we have to step up our own self-care through food, movement, sleep, mindset and connection…and those are exactly our Five Foundations of Health at Nourish. So I was happy to hear this message from many thought leaders and doctors who highlighted the benefits of using quality products from Young Living to support our health and wellness.

A few more highlights:

Connect and Create Experiences

Lunch with people you don’t know and start honest conversations and share your dreams. Explore independent coffee shops and local eateries. Learn how to ride a scooter and zip around town. Say yes when a friend calls you out of the blue and says ‘Let’s get together while you’re here in the mountains.’  As I head into my 50th year, I realize I’m more of an introvert than I was in my 20s and staying home is comfortable and cozy – but leaving the ocean and heading to the mountains can open you up to new adventures – so I’m glad I said YES. What could you say yes to that gets you out of your comfort zone?

Ground Yourself

When you leave home: Eat the best you can on the road, sleep more if you can, move daily – no exceptions!  Yep, you have to work at it when you’re hangin’ with 40,000 high energy people! Again this year, I ran the annual convention 5K to raise money for the Young Living Foundation which provides wellness and education opportunities to underserved communities.  I believe we raised over $1.8million dollars in five days – 100% of the contribution dollars goes to people in need.

  • To keep myself going through convention, I turned to my favorite Young Living essential oils:  Peppermint, Valor and Peace & Calming (to name only a few) and oil infused products: NingXia Red and Nitro

Learn then Do

Be in a growth mindset and the world will gift you with countless lessons. Here are a few brilliant quotes (from five pages of notes!) from the author and leader John Maxwell who shared his wisdom in the keynote address at our convention:

  • “Continue to reinvent yourself upwards.  Everything worthwhile is uphill – you can’t go uphill with downhill habits.
  • “Activity is not a measure of success – develop priorities then DO THEM.
  • “A vision is just a picture.  Culture is about what you DO.
  • “Consistency is one of the most under used words in our language – it’s so boring…Create your Five Essentials to build on every day.

All these quotes are in alignment with our way of coaching here at Nourish.  If these ideas struck a chord for you, schedule some time with me: wendy@nourishcoaches.com.

Mother nature is precious – protect it, preserve it, honor it. We need nature. Nature doesn’t need us.

  • Young Living now financially supports Tracy Aviary and Botanical Garden Liberty Park in Utah – inspiring curiosity and caring for birds and nature through education and conservation.  Statistics vary but here are a few alarming numbers: 15 billion trees are cut down every year. Around 18.7 million acres of forest land is being torn down annually – to put that into perspective – that’s 27 soccer fields GONE every minute.  That’s affecting the birds and wildlife. Read here and here for more data about our precious trees.  I was thrilled I got a chance to visit the park while there.  Why is this important to me? I believe the more we do to educate each other and protect Mother Nature, the better we all are – plus, I’ve got a huge soft-spot for animals.
  • Young Living has donated 12,000 acres (18 square miles) to the Nature Conservancy.  These beautiful lands will be protected from development forever. WIN for us all!

The beauty of Mother Nature is everywhere. If we open your eyes a little wider, we might be inspired to do something special in our own back yard – like compost, or install a bird bath and feeder, or plant native plants.  Would love to hear your ideas!

Other ways to connect: listen in on our Nourish Noshes Podcast, sign up for our Nourish Newsletter (scroll to the bottom of the page) or join us for one of our upcoming events – lots of planning is going into our Fall Workshop Series so stay tuned.