Time to Get REAL

join us and make a commitment

Want to join an experiment with Debbie and Wendy?

It’s time to get REAL.

Our bodies are built to thrive on real food yet there is a flurry of processed food-like substances being stocked and shoveled into the average Americans’ carts and plates in record numbers. Most of it is junk. Some of it insists that it is healthy.

As health advocates, we’re forever sharing with our clients that eating real food is THE way to go, and to ditch the processed, packaged stuff, but we are about to push the envelope on ourselves a little more—walk the talk even more than ever. We wanted to put our teaching to the test and do it 100% and find out what happens…

Could we possibly feel even better given the fact that we both already eat primarily real food? Will we have even more energy? Clearer thinking? Better moods? We’re on a quest to find out the fun way. We’ve created a crazy cool challenge called: REAL EATS ~ 40 days USING NATURE TO NOURISH

This journey is about exploring and defining real food and getting closer to nature and all the nourishing benefits.

If you’re curious about what it means to get real, follow along or join us on our journey. Do it for a day, a week, or however long you want. Be a nosey neighbor or get involved – whatever suits your fancy.

Follow our REAL EATS adventure on our new blog and Facebook where daily updates will track our triumphs, challenges and everything in-between. The journey begins May 13th and officially ends 40 days later on the summer solstice – June 21st. It may not end there, however, at least completely. It will be interesting to see how we transform – physically, emotionally, and mentally. We’d love for you to join us.


Definition: Foods grown and gathered in their natural state.

  • Any vegetable, fruit, nut, seed, bean or whole grain picked from a tree, plucked from a bush, pulled from the ground or harvested from their stalks.
  • Meat and eggs from animals that are pasture raised, grass-finished, free-range, sustainably farmed and treated humanely.
  • Fish that are wild caught or sustainably farmed.
  • Seaweed
  • Honey and maple syrup.
  • Whole coffee beans and whole leaf teas *
  • Oils: unfiltered, unrefined, organic, cold-pressed

Details regarding packaged foods: We aren’t farmers so we aren’t growing and hunting our own food. We will depend on harvesters, butchers and fisherman that package the product in its whole food form. Some examples of food processes we will rely on: seaweed is harvested, dried and then packaged; meats are butchered and packaged; maple syrup and honey are extracted, boiled or spun and packaged; coffee beans and teas are harvested, dried or roasted and packaged; seeds and grains are harvested, separated and packaged.

The line gets drawn with packaged foods –  if we can make it ourselves we will.  For example, we can make our own nut butters,  soak beans, chop veggies and wash our greens, so no pre-packaged, canned, boxed or bagged goods.  We know there will be cross-roads that we’ll need to make exceptions with so that will be part of the on-going discussion on our blog.

* Decaf coffee and teas are processed and not an option in the REAL EATS Guide.