
373 posts

Beet Dressing by Amy Chaplin

Beet Dressing

Beet Dressing by Amy Chaplin from her cookbook Whole Food Cooking Every Day 1small-medium cooked and cooled red beet 1/4 cup filtered water 3 Tablespoons tahini 2 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar 2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1, 1/4 inch slice of a large garlic clove 1/2 […]

ere’s how Millennials are redefining ‘wellness.’

How Health-Conscious Millennials are Redefining the Concept of Wellness

Exclusively written for  By: Brielle Sophie Pew Research distinguishes the Millennial generation as those born between 1981–1996. Millennials grew up alongside disruptive technologies and came of age amidst the Internet’s explosion. Technology has changed the way they perceive the world: they are commonly referred to as the iGeneration. In […]

yet another news report about nutrition

Ignore Them All

It’s always our first reaction, a teen-aged like eye roll at yet another news report about nutrition based on some study that generalizes, making some food item “good” or “bad” for everyone. The latest news about red meat from the Associated Press and reported on various television, cable, and radio […]