The Basics are Gold

Five Foundations Cairn

Sometimes, the bright shiny objects of the “health industry” can play tricks with our resolve to stick with the basics.  Truth is, the basics are gold. And the basics don’t really change as we age.

We get it, the sound of losing 15 pounds in 15 days – OR the 7-day detox – OR the new pill is alluring and oh-so-promising.

What we know to be true these 17+ years of health and wellness coaching:

  • Long term, successful health practices are SIMPLE.
  • The basics are GOLD.
  • It might not be easy, YET.
  • You are not alone: ACCOUNTABILITY is key.

The uncomplicated, stripped down snapshot of the Basics are Gold. We call them the Five Foundations of Health.

1. Nutrition

Our nutritional needs evolve with us through every stage of life.

  • Adapt and thrive! You might not want to, need to or get to do the same things you did when you were younger. Maybe you can do more of certain things. Maybe you can do less of certain things. Get curious.

2. Sleep

Stop skipping sleep with mind-numbing distractions and to-do lists.

  • Put yourself to bed when you’re tired! Enough said.

3. Movement

Movement is in our DNA—it boosts hormones, supercharges our mood, and ignites our vitality, making us stronger, happier and super resilient as we age.

  • Get moving! one step at a time
  • Get strong! one pound at a time

4. Mindset

“Mindset is one of several key risk factors that can have a radical impact on your quality of life, rate of aging, risk of disease, and lifespan.”

  • Rethink! A fixed mindset will keep you stuck. Rethinking what we believe about ourselves can shift everything forward. Read more here from the Longevity Institute.

5. Connection

We humans are wired for connection. It’s not just natural. It’s essential for our well-being.

  • Reach out! One phone call or text or hand written note can be a small step towards reconnecting. And if your connection needs to start with yourself, that works too!

Investing in your health with the basics is one of the most important choices in living a well-lived life.

Nourish Coaches give you personalized guidance, accountability and motivation to thrive as you age. We are your valuable allies in your journey of accelerated and sustained health. 

Want to see if group coaching or one-to-one coaching is right for you?

Schedule a 30-minute Free Wellness Call us today.