Simple. Not Easy.

We said it is simple. We never said it is easy.

Health defined is pretty universal – to feel great so you can do stuff. Pretty simple. The basics of how to get there are universal and simple too:

  1. Eat real food – avoid processed
  2. Eat more veggies than anything else
  3. Get solid sleep
  4. Move often
  5. Care for yourself and others deeply

The details are where it gets sticky and fuzzy…

Paleo – Vegan – Raw – Cooked

Soy or not? Coffee is healthy vs coffee is harmful?

The Blood Type Diet – The Metabolic Type – The 21 Day Diet –

the Thinner Thighs in 30 day Diet (remember that one!?) – Oz and Oprah say…

How do you swim through all the data? Who do you listen to? What expert is right?  Which website is best?

Look, the bottom line is: we are individuals – each with our own unique, amazing body. Our #1 best guide is listening to the wisdom inside. When we honor and act on the messages our body is sending us daily, shift happens. Here are a few questions to ask: How’s your energy level? mood? digestion? Does your skin glow? Are you feeling connected, inspired and creative in your home and work life? And the final big question:

What ONE THING can I do RIGHT NOW to improve?  

So, start your own personal experiment of one. And when you get confused, connect with a trusted advisor who will listen and guide (like us!) – not tell you how to run your life… cause baby, that will only work for 21 days…then what are you going to do? This is an ongoing, wonderful journey of discovery, and with each step, you get a little better.  So, what are you waiting for?