How to Tend to Your Heart


Sometimes, in the midst of the world full of wounds, we forget to tend to our heart.

It might feel to tender or overburdened. So we turn away from it, filling our lives with other short term ‘hits’ or bursts of ‘happiness’ from all sorts of diversions in an effort to distract ourselves.

We are here to remind you that the heart is resilient and powerful AND sometimes needs a bit of attention. We so often forget to tend to the most important relationship – our own. Our attention is pulled in so many directions that our own needs are often put on the back burner. We forget to eat nourishing foods, move our body in ways that feel good, we sacrifice sleep (not intentionally of course), we allow our minds to run away with worry, and/or we neglect the number one person in need – ourselves.

open heartHere is your gentle nudge to sit with your heart, hold it tenderly and lovingly and listen. There is no rule here. You might set aside a moment or two: to start or end the day, before each meal, when you stop at a red light or the quietest place – the shower.

It’s simply a few moments of care to tend to you.

The pause might just give your heart a little jump of joy.