5 Steps to Getting Unstuck

5 steps

If you are in a rut or simply have gotten into some sort of pattern that you want to get out of – we share 5 steps to getting unstuck.

It happens. You are not alone.  AND You can create a new rhythm starting today. 

Step #1 – Collect Data and Be Honest 

Getting clear on what is going on for you is the best way to start. No matter where you are in your health journey, you have to continue to be real and do an honest assessment of where you are at this moment in time. We call this part – Collecting Data. Each day we collect priceless data. There is no judgment here. Simply assessing what is happening.  

  • Did you have a setback?  Ok, helpful data. Keep going.   
  • Did you hit all your targets this week?  Ok, helpful data. Keep going. 
  • Have you hit a plateau? OK, helpful data. Keep going. 
  • Are you feeling stuck? OK, helpful data. Keep going.  

If we aren’t aware of what is happening, we can’t move forward. So start, and continue to assess the data with honesty. 


Track the data via journaling 

Step #2 – Set Priorities

Do you put your meetings (and/or your family commitments) on your calendar? 

Assuming you answered yes, we have a question for you. 

How come we negotiate away our meal times, our movement times, our quiet time, our sleep time? This is probably the one I’m working on the most. I get into a project and don’t get my workout in. If being strong is important to me – then I don’t negotiate my workout. Period. End of negotiation.  1. Set the priority (to be strong). 2. Decide when and how you will do the thing you commit to (Lift on these days). 3. Do it. 4. Repeat.   


Write your priorities on your calendar

Step #3 – Practice and Focus

To get the results you want, you must stick with the practice. It’s not about resetting goals. The goal might be to reach the top of the mountain. If you keep your eye on the mountaintop, you stumble. You must keep your eye on your steps to reach the top. We need to focus on what is happening right now, this moment. It’s putting your energy on the here and NOW – the step by step, day to day actions. 

  • Talking about goals is fine. We do that with clients – but we don’t stay there because that’s about the future.  
  • Talking about mistakes is fine. We do that with clients – it’s data – but we don’t stay there because that’s in the past.  

What can you do about either one? Be here right now, in this moment – practicing.


Choose 1-2 things to do today

Step #4 – Be Consistent and Win 

Feeling a little frustrated? Stay on the path. Don’t go off-roading, that’s when we get lost.  

We can get so impatient with ourselves. We can be really fickle/flaky when we get impatient. We can be easily lured into the next bright shiny object that starts to steal our attention away from our day-to-day practice…  ‘detox diets’ – ‘lose 10 pounds in 10 days’ – just eat this ‘superfood’ – drink this tea – only 30 minutes a day – do this one exercise and eliminate your belly. Our insatiable desire for quick, promised results is deadly. This pattern is making us a sick nation. Stop looking for the easy button. It’s a trap. Do what you say you are going to do again and again and again. Get into the rhythm of the non-negotiables.   


Write down your action list and cross it off daily

Step #5. Be Accountable 

We all get wobbly. This truth acknowledges the humanness in us all. We are not perfect. Sorry (not sorry) Type A-s – you aren’t either. Oh, and to be clear – putting yourself in that perfect box only makes things harder and miserable for yourself. 

When we coach clients who are feeling wobbly, we are constantly criss-crossing between the actions of Grit and Grace. 

  • When and where do we give ourselves more grace?  
  • Where and when do we need to get more gritty? 

This is when having a consistent support system is key. Sometimes we need help figuring out which one of these areas to focus on. Thank goodness there are people whose mission is to: Help make the world a healthier place. It’s vital not to feel alone on your path. 


Seek a trusted accountability partner and if you don’t have one, schedule a 30 minute Breakthrough Call with us to get the support you need. 

In summary, here are your action items: 

  1. Collect Data and Be Honest – track the data via journaling 
  2. Set Priorities – write your priorities on your calendar
  3. Practice and Focus – choose 1-2 things to do today
  4. Be Consistent and Win – write down your action list and cross it off daily
  5. Be Accountable – when you get wobbly, seek a trusted accountability partner

If this resonated, we are here for you – to walk your health path with you. To help you be honest, to help you set priorities, to practice and focus, to support your consistency and to be with you when things get wobbly.    

*[To be fair, our time is not really our own when we are new parents – we can’t control the baby’s nursing clock. But the rest of us can have more discipline with ourselves and our family.]