25 Intentions for 2025

Setting a list of 25 Intentions for 2025 vs a list of resolutions can be a breath of fresh air.  Especially if you have ever set a list of resolutions for the new year and found it to be full of unrealistic expectations. Too much pressure and too ‘pie-in-sky ideas that fizzle fast. We’ve been there! This year, we share some of our top intentions and hope it inspires you to expand your list beyond the trite and obvious things that suck the life out of us and make us feel small. Welcome to Navigating Nourishment with Debbie Peterson and Wendy Bright-Fallon. Hello 2025!

A little reminder before you dive in.

Let’s go beyond shame and guilt and beating ourselves up as we create our intentions. Let’s reframe what caring for our body and soul looks like and feels like. It’s not about deprivation and guilt – drop those thoughts. In our coaching, we start from a place of gratitude and love. Only then can we be sure to shape how we want our coming year, months and days to unfold in a realistic and attainable way.

Our Lists

Most of the things on our lists have a direct link to deep rooted, beautiful, important values. Some of our overlapping topics include nature, health, family, growth, service. In this podcast, we each share a new adventure we are working on. In fact, we both get a little vulnerable (meaning excited and hopeful!) by revealing projects we are working on independently. They are rooted in the value of caring deeply for our fellow humans walking this path called life. Listen in and learn the new ways we are sharing health and wellness wisdom in 2025. We hope you’ll join us.

Debbie’s Newly Published Book:

How to be Healthy: 30 Tiny Tweaks That Transform Your Wellness in Minutes a Day

Journal Idea

Need additional ideas? Sometimes it takes some journaling before we can get clear on our top 25. Here is a link to our favorite journaling prompts when we are setting new intentions. No matter if it is a special occasion like a new year, a birthday, or a random Saturday, refreshing what we focus on matters.