Ugh . . . It’s January


Here we go again. A new year. A fresh start. A reset. New promises to be better. And, of course, the rebelliousness against “resolutions.” It seems most people are rebelling because they usually don’t follow through and then feel shame about it the rest of the year that they didn’t do or stop the thing they promised to do or not do anymore.

So, now, people are choosing the “word of the year” or making “intentions” instead.

It’s all the same.

I’m observing these urges we have for new beginnings. And the new year is such a great opportunity for this. So many of us want new beginnings, especially following the indulgent season of “December.”

I heard it many times (and I thought it a few times, too) to just get past the holidays and then . . .

Here’s my proposal this January.

Call it what you will: intentions, your word, resolutions, new beginnings, but whatever you want to do, take some serious time to think about it, meditate about it and maybe even analyze it. Ask these questions about whatever it is you want:
Is it connected to a bigger “why”?
If not, figure out how it can be.
What identity does it attach to that you want to become?
This may be the most important question!
Is it truly doable (is it too big that you can easily fail)?
If it’s not easy to do, you’re setting yourself up for failure (again). No fun.
Chunk it down if you can to make it easy to give yourself wins.
What would it mean if you were successful?
This is coming back to the first question–which is really important.

And now I’ll share my own idea. I put this reminder on my phone to pop up every morning at 8:00 a.m.: “Do something different.” I didn’t promise myself to do it every day, though I’d like to. I just want to try to do something different several times each week–to not have days and weeks and months go by doing the same damn things and having them blend together. Life is so short.

Would love to hear about what it is you want to do (or not do anymore) in 2024. I’m going to collect these things and create another blog the first week of February. I won’t add names (unless you want me to). So, please share. And I hope you are becoming who you want to be.