Thoughts on Health on a Snowy Day

What does being healthy mean to me?

What does being healthy mean to me?

by Debbie Peterson

For sure, it has a slightly different meaning to each and every other person. But what is my definition?  I think it’s important to remind ourselves of our definition of health, to remind us why we’re working so hard to “be healthy.”

I know what I think is healthy and what my almost 15 year old son thinks is healthy varies tremendously.  The differences between people may be a difference in knowledge, or a difference in individual body needs. It may also be a difference in culture or geography.  And the most interesting thing is that it is always constantly evolving no matter who you are.

So, what is my definition of being healthy?

For me, it is getting between seven and eight hours of sleep each night, being active every single day, and working out 3-4 days of the week for an hour or so.  It’s minding my physical body by paying attention to pain, and getting help from people who can help eliminate that pain.  To be healthy, I need to practice breathing throughout the day, and centering myself, especially when I feel stressed.  It’s being understanding, kind, and helpful.  And it’s practicing gratitude for everything in my life.  Of course, it is eating real, whole foods three times a day and not in between.  It’s drinking water throughout the day.  It’s practicing the 80/20 rule, and not shaming myself for the 20%, but instead being mindful and deliberate in my choices.

The details can go on and get more refined, of course, but what it really comes down to is feeling the best I can, mind, body, and soul to live a long, quality life free of major pain and discomforts with a sense of peace and love.

That’s about it.  What’s your definition?