Greens with Nuts and Raisins

Kale and nuts

Greens are one of the best, nutritionally packed foods we could all use more of.

This recipe is super simple and adaptable. There are several potential swaps in this recipe.

*Use a combination of mustard greens, kale and/or dandelion greens.

**Pine nuts are my pick for this recipe but I’ve also used walnuts – both have a bit more creamy texture that pairs so nicely with the bitter greens.

***If you don’t have ume plum vinegar [a recommended flavor staple in your kitchen], you can squeeze fresh lemon juice.  The acid is what you are looking for here and an apple cider vinegar or lemon juice also deliver. Together with the heat, the acid mellows the bitterness of greens like kale, mustard greens and dandelion greens.

What goes in

  • 1 1/2 bunches choice of greens, cleaned and chopped to bite size*
  • Water
  • ¼ cup raisins, soaked in warm water then drained
  • ¼ cup pine nuts, lighted toasted**
  • 2-3 dashes ume plum vinegar***
  • 2-3 dashes extra-virgin olive oil

To prepare

Cover bottom of a saute pan with water, heat to steaming and add greens. Stir often and check to make sure kale doesn’t stick. Cook till the greens are dark green and slightly wilted – about 5 minutes.

Toss with pine nuts, raisins, ume plum vinegar and olive oil.

This greens dish with nuts and raisins tastes delicious warm or cold within a couple of days of preparation.

You can always make a big batch of the greens (not adding any of the other ingredients), separate out a few portions for other dishes in the coming days: top burgers with greens and caramelized onions; add to omelettes with sautéed mushrooms and shallots; create additional combinations like shaved radish, daikon, and/or carrots and top with dressing of choice.