Green Glory in Spring

One color we so appreciate in spring is green.

One color we so appreciate in spring is green.

The gray, beige, and browns of winter grow old and we crave bright, vibrant colors that spring generously grants us. This yearning for color represents our emergence from the cold winter months and the hibernation we tend to do when the weather gets cold and the days grow short. Spring, with its longer, warmer days, encourages growth and energy and the desire to be active.

With that new activity comes the need to fuel. Nature provides this fuel through the emerging sprouts and leafy greens that show up in the markets and in recipes and in newsletters coming to your inbox.  Arugula, spinach, kale, mustard greens, dandelion greens, watercress and sprouts are all ready to be consumed and turned into the “spring” in your step.

What these greens all have in common, of course, is what makes them actually green: chlorophyll.

This word may bring up images of the pentagonal molecular structure drawings of high school biology, but what exactly does it do for us?  Alot! 

Chlorophyll makes possible the chemical reactions from which all life is dependent.  In fact, the structure of chlorophyll and of human red blood cells are so similar, they are indecipherable by an untrained eye.  This is why chlorophyll is often referred to as the “blood of plants,” and also why it benefits and enriches us more than any other substance.

Properties and Actions of Chlorophyll


  • Stops bacterial growth in wounds, and anaerobic yeasts and fungi in the digestive tract.
  • Deodorizes: eliminates bad breath and body odor.
  • Removes drug deposits and counteracts all toxins; de-activates many carcinogens.
  • Halts tooth decay and gum infection (when used as a tooth powder).


Counteracts the following inflammations:  

  •   sore throat
  •   pyorrhea
  •   gingivitis
  •   stomach and intestinal 
  •   inflammation and ulcers
  •   all skin inflammations
  •   arthritis
  •   pancreatitis


  • Builds blood
  • Renews tissue
  • Counteracts radiation
  • Promotes healthful intestinal flora
  • Improves liver function
  • Activates enzymes to produce vitamins E, A and K

Other kinds of chlorophyll rich sources are from micro-algae. 

Spirulina, chlorella and wild blue-green all contain more chlorophyll than any other foods.  Each one of these has a little bit of a different profile.  They most often come in powder form and also supplement tablets. We recommend you add these to your pantry and use them; however, more importantly, eat your greens in real, whole-food form every day.  Repeat: EVERY day.   

Just like in color therapy, greens can be used not only to help diminish and slow excesses but also strengthen deficiency – bringing a peacefulness to a chaotic world.  Make sure you see green on your plate every day, even every meal (something to aim for). Your body will thank you. 

If you want to try spirulina, chlorella or blue-green algae, shop Thrive Market – it is one of the most reasonably priced places we get our supplies.