BONUS_ 6 Week Reset Groups Announcement

Wendy and Debbie are excited to share new 6-week reset groups announcement for September, offering in-person sessions in Red Bank and virtual Zoom options. Their program aims to help participants feel more comfortable in their bodies, create nourishing habits, and find personal wellness formulas. They emphasize that their approach is customized, not one-size-fits-all, and stress the importance of self-care, especially for women going through transitions like leaving the workforce or dealing with perimenopause or postmenopause. The program costs $300 and focuses on nutrition, sleep, movement, mindset, and connection, with unlimited support between sessions. They encourage people to book a free consultation to see if group coaching is right for them.


(edited for readability)

Wendy  00:01

We are so excited when we create new groups, and we’re on the cusp of starting a new group here in September. 


Debbie  00:10

September is always the best time to start these things, because it’s kind of like the new year. For a lot of people, even if you don’t have kids in school, it feels like a fresh start in the fall, right? 


Wendy  00:23

We were having a conversation just this week with a group of women, and they were saying, you know, as soon as September hits – I’m ready – the day after Labor Day, right? Everyone is saying, ‘Oh yeah, me too! I’ve had way too much ice cream this summer’ and that sort of thing.


Debbie  00:41

It’s because in summer, I think so many of us let go of some habits that are nourishing and maybe splurge a little bit on things that we wouldn’t normally splurge on. And so there’s kind of this feeling of, okay, I need to stop doing that. It’s been three months now. Now let me reset.


Wendy  01:02

Our next ‘reset program’ is six weeks, and we’re starting two groups, one group meets in person in our Red Bank Office and a second group meets on Zoom. You can be anywhere in the world and join us on Zoom. 


Debbie  01:16

And we do have some people who travel anywhere in the world who are in our groups. We’re going to have the link in our show notes, so that you can go and see what it’s all about and sign up if you’d like to and get going.


Wendy  01:41

Who would join our 6 week Reset Groups? People who want to feel more comfortable in their body. And if that’s you, you’re a prime candidate. If you want to create nourishing habits, you’re a prime candidate. And if you want to find your own personal wellness formula, that is what we’ll be doing in the six weeks.


Debbie  02:01

In our group experiences, the best thing about it is that we are not a one-size-fits-all program at all. That’s not how we operate, because we’re all unique. And in the groups, you get to see how unique each person is, and it really helps our mindsets because any one program doesn’t work for everybody. So we really customize what might be the best path for you.


Wendy  02:41

Most of the women in our groups are going through some sort of transition. Either they’ve transitioned out of the workforce, or they are changing jobs. Many of the women in our groups are in the throes of perimenopause or post menopause, and trying to figure out how to be with this new body that is different hormonally. 

6-week reset group

Debbie  03:07

Women who might simply have a different mind space because their kids have left for college or have left their house, and now they have more space for themselves.


Wendy  03:20

Some women come to the group saying, “This feels so indulgent to me.” Why should I have to have someone help me through this?” 

We both are each other’s coaches. My husband’s my personal trainer. You know, the most famous people in the world have lots of coaches around them. 

We really meet you wherever you are. 

One of the things that I think Debbie and I really are good at is helping people stay curious, and also letting judgment fall away. There is so much shame in the diet culture, and we want to throw that out, and we want to help people literally fall in love with themselves again. Might sound like a tall order, but it’s the truth. Showering ourselves and each other with a little bit more love in a group setting can really help change lives. 

6-week reset group

Debbie  04:31

We’ve seen it happen. We know it’s true. People who would never expect to love themselves love themselves now. And it’s such a beautiful thing. And the idea is that we often – especially women – go through most of our adult lives, helping others, helping our family, nurturing other people, and then we get to a certain age where we’re like, wait a second, I need to take care of myself! What’s this ‘self-care stuff? I need to start doing that!’ 

And it’s a little bit difficult at first, because, as Wendy said, it feels a little bit indulgent, or you just feel like you’re being self centered or selfish or something like that. But that’s not true at all. And too bad that we wait this long, you know, if we did some of this self care or took time for ourselves, we might have been a little bit better with all the people we were nurturing. Not that you did a bad job, because I’m speaking for myself, I think I did a pretty good job. But there were definitely moments that had I taken better care of myself, I probably would have shown up better for my family. So it’s time.The time is right now.

6-week reset group

Wendy  05:42

I was talking with a client recently about the health system, and I don’t even want to call it a health care system, because it’s really not a health care system. It’s a reactionary system that we have right now, and our Nourish Coaching services are out of pocket. They are not covered by insurance right now. And I think some people struggle with spending money on themselves, and we want to say:

You’re worth the investment in yourself!

We want to set people up for the rest of their lives. We are not a quick fix. Nothing happens overnight. You didn’t get to feeling the way you feel right now overnight. So we need to gift ourselves time and attention.

Details on our 6 Week Reset Groups: 

  • We meet weekly for an hour.
  • You get unlimited support from us in between sessions via WhatsApp chat
  • We will focus on our Five Foundations of Health: nutrition, sleep, movement, mindset and connection.

The investment is $300. 

We’d love to support you in your well-being journey. 

It’s an integrative approach, and we can’t wait to help you out right.


Debbie  07:13

Check out this link for the group details.


Wendy  07:18

If you’re curious about more and want to speak with us, please go to our website and book a Free 30-minute consult with us and we can chat about whether group coaching is right for you.


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