What we do as health coaches

We help people look, feel and perform their best

Health coaching is a relatively new field so we hope to unpack what we do.

Our healthcare system is still working with an old way of thinking – ‘fix what’s broken.’ The traditional model focuses mainly on naming the ill and providing a pill. Integrative health coaches are educated on not only prevention, but also ways you can be at your peak and radiant self.

What We Do:

We help people look, feel and perform their best as a human in this mixed up and somewhat confusing world. We do this through education and lifestyle changes centered on our Nourish Coaches Five Foundations of Health: nutrition, sleep, movement, mindset and connection. We take an integrative, collaborative and personalized approach to cultivate positive health choices. Most medical doctors don’t have the time to delve deep into preventive care and ultimate health – that’s what we do. We look at the whole person – not just symptoms and disease. We understand that people are multidimensional, which is why we have a holistic approach that considers the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the person to achieve optimal health.

Who We Work With:

We work with many kinds of people, all of whom want to feel better in health and life: a woman in the midst of life transition; a busy corporate executive; a competitive athlete; a tired stay at home director of the household; couples who want to support each other; a teenager embarking on a new life at college. We work one-on-one or in groups. We focus on the emotional, physical, behavioral, nutritional, and lifestyle factors that are needed to enhance overall health and well-being.

How It Works:

We meet face to face, over the phone and now via Zoom. We start with a personalized health history and follow with regular sessions that clearly move you forward. How many sessions? However many sessions are needed. Email support between sessions keeps the accountability going.

We start by understanding and helping map clear, personal goals. This lays the foundation for success. We dive deep into a person’s lifestyle. We take into consideration schedules, personal interests, personalities, past success, past failures, capabilities, circle of influence, attitudes about health, food and fitness, belief systems, family history and more. Specific examples of what we do may include:

  • Food journaling and understanding food intolerances
  • Deconstructing habits and forming new ones
  • Nutrient density
  • Nutrient timing
  • Establishing sleep and movement routines
  • Implementing mindset tools
  • Establishing an updated relationship with food

Have you ever sat with someone who totally listens? Someone who allows you to process? This is one of the beautiful differences with health coaches. We don’t tell you what to do.

We co-create what works for you. This model leads to lasting change, not short-term, quick fixes.

We help you succeed, but we can’t – and don’t – do the work for you. Instead, we offer our expertise and the tools to help our clients become self-reliant which fosters internal motivation and helps with taking on long-term, healthy habits.

A Few of Our Core Beliefs:

  • We don’t fix people because we believe no one is broken.
  • We can all be more compassionate, starting with ourselves.
  • It works only when we Practice. There is no magic bullet or short cut; and one size does not fit all.
  • We all have our stories, baggage, habits and gifts. It’s our job to help you untangle the tight grip on what doesn’t serve you, highlight what does and introduce you to new tools for living an optimal life.

To Get Started:

We are a part of your health advocate team. We don’t replace your doctor – in fact, we work with many doctors and health practitioners to collaborate on your wellness. Schedule an appointment with us here:

Nourish Coaches


After 13 years of coaching, we had the opportunity to take the board exam to become nationally board-certified health and wellness coaches. […]