What do I do with sugar cravings?

watercolor hand

Morning: The smell of those fresh baked pastries at the coffee shop is intoxicating. 

Afternoon: The 3 o’clock slump is a witching hour for the energy-starved. 

Evening:  Ice cream season is upon us and gatherings are starting to pop up.  

Oh, the post sugar frenzy can riddle us with guilt.

Sugar cravings are a real thing and they sneak up on most of us quite often. You are not alone. We explore everything about sugar and it’s tenuous hold on us in our Nourish Noshes three-part podcast series called “Sweet Cravings.” It’s a relaunch from six years ago. We were inspired to re-listen to them as we work through sugar cravings with several of our clients and they are full of wisdom. Listen to Part 1 here.

The never-ending sugar surge is all around us. Every time we indulge too much, we know we are sabotaging our goals for health and vitality. 

So, what do we do with sugar cravings?  


First things first, we need to notice when and why it’s even happening. If the only time we think about our sugar habits is post-sugar rush, or when we get on the scale, then we will never get out of the cycle. The magic happens in the pause between stimulus and response. It’s worth writing down every time you have sugar. If we aren’t honest with ourselves about how much we are having, it’s going to keep happening. Write it down – every time. Notice what is happening that drives you to the sweets. Is it mood, stress, habit, hormones, the time of day, being tired, the taste sensation, the people you are with? Then notice what happens to you after you eat it. How do you feel emotionally and physically and mentally? Write it all down. As you write, ‘stuff’ might start coming up. Good. Getting in touch with those feelings can be gritty work, but if you want to get out of the sugar roller coaster, do the work.  

Set up a new algorithm.

Once you start seeing the patterns of when sugar is most prevalent, you want to create a new habit. One way is to set up a new and very specific algorithm – it really works with practice. Example: IF it’s 3pm and I’m tired, THEN I will grab a glass of water OR go for a walk. Movement is always a good place to start. Sometimes what we feel is stuck and our body simply needs to move.  

Mini wins matter. 

The algorithm needs to be easy and doable. Keep it super simple. If you do it sometimes, it’s still a win and that is progress. If you are struggling with the new algorithm, make it even smaller.  

Set real expectations and boundaries. 

It’s unrealistic to say you will ‘never have ice cream again.’ For most of us, that is not going to happen. So don’t set yourself up for failure. One of my personal boundaries is that I don’t eat packaged or store bought desserts at social events. 

Now that we’ve addressed the real physical desire, here is another idea we often use when working with clients.  It’s to create a list of alternatives.  Something that is sweet in your life that is not food. I call this list My Sweet Infusion.

What feeds you besides food?   

You see, we all need sweetness in our life that feeds us on a completely different level than food does – AND it often satisfies our craving. The sweet food fix is temporary and what you put on your list feeds you on a much deeper level.  

When you look at the suggested list below, you’ll find a lot of ideas that include movement, creativity and connection – all activity that feeds us on a deep and wonderful level.  

  • Tending a garden
  • Exchanging plants
  • Feeding the birds
  • Reading and starting a book club discussion
  • Dancing at a drum circle or group class
  • Bike riding in a different town
  • Organizing a closet or drawer
  • Taking a pottery, painting, writing or photography class
  • Training for a 5k with a group
  • Hiking in the woods or strolling by the water
  • Volunteering at a food bank or shelter
  • Counting the stars
  • Writing a love note or thank you note as a surprise 

Experiment with these ideas. Notice how these experiences feed the body, mind and soul. Can you see how they feed you and not just the fleeting taste buds!? 

Now it’s your turn: What feeds you besides food?  Would love to see you share Your Sweet Infusion list on our Facebook page so we can all motivate each other.  

Need help with this gritty topic of sugar and getting off the roller-coaster?  Schedule an appointment.