Got a problem? Start with your gut.

Hippocrates said, "All disease begins in the gut."  

The root of our health or ill health, our pain or happiness, our thriving or just surviving is our gut and our least addressed “organ” of our body.

Most diseases stem from gut imbalances including lack of healthy bacteria and enzymes and the destruction of the gut lining.

Although it’s been known for a millennia that it is the key to health, our medical industry is just beginning to understand the vastness of our micro biome (microorganisms inhabiting the human body) and how it affects our health.

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.”  

The irony is that doctors pledge the Hippocratic oath as a right of passage to become a practitioner of medicine.  It’s as though we’ve only heard part of the message and been ignoring his very words. As we are now learning, he was right, disease does begin in the gut.

Our gut micro biome can affect our physical and emotional health.

Hippocrates said, "All disease begins in the gut."  

Do you recognize anything about yourself on this list?

If your answer is yes, consider your gut health.

Yes, it’s about your food, but it’s not all about your food.

Yes, it’s about taking proper supplements, but it’s not all about the supplements.

Yes, it’s possible to heal your gut, but it doesn’t happen overnight and it can be challenging.  There are many avenues to follow.

How do you know which one is right for you?

Our clients come to us with complaints from this list and a desire to feel well.  We work with our client’s lifestyle and tastes to move forward with healing.