Boomerang Board–Connection Counts

What are your connections?  Could you make more?

Connecting with others, whether it is family, friends, like-minded colleagues, athletic groups, or church community, is just as important as nutrition and movement.

In our wellness journeys, we usually think about nutrition and movement (exercise) first.  Perhaps we ponder stress management, and maybe even our sleep, but rarely, if ever, do we consider “connection” as a pillar of health.

In fact, if you have the healthiest plant-based diet and regular movement and strength training, but isolate yourself from others, you may have just as much of a chance of disease as a junk food eating, sedentary person who doesn’t isolate him/herself. Connecting is THAT important.

Studies have found that those who are more isolated have more than twice the risk of disease than those with positive social relationships.  For more on the studies, see this link.  This is why we added our fifth pillar of “connection” to our Nourish Pillars of Health:  nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management, and connection.

What are your connections?  Could you make more?  Or, are some of the connections you have not serving you?  Is it time to rethink them and make some changes?  It’s a matter of health.  Think of it as an analogy: If you were diagnosed with some kind of treatable condition or disease, wouldn’t you do what you could to reverse the diagnosis?  You have that choice.  Get out there and make some healthful connections.  Today.

Consider this Resource:

In our interview with Jennifer Borenius, co-founder of Boomerang Board, we talk about a new social way of connecting and supporting in total confidence – listen here to our podcast interview.  Like most people, online social networking has become our way of ‘communicating’ with people. We keep up with our friends’ lives quickly and efficiently thanks to a quick read of our daily newsfeed. In general, people aren’t really communicating on social networks, they’re simply ‘showing’ a carefully curated picture of their lives. Boomerang Board offers the power of social networking in an anonymous setting so you can feel safe to share real stories, seek help with real challenges, share honest advice and create authentic connections. Boomerang Board is a place where you’ll feel empowered to give advice – and get advice – confidently.