Banana-Mango Nice Cream

This delicious recipe is from our nourish–a community-supported cookbook 2nd Ed.

recipe created by elaine morales

I am a recovering premium ice cream addict. But I have discovered a terrific alternative for when the urge for something cold and creamy hits–the frozen banana. I always have a stash of ripened, sliced frozen bananas in my freezer since I love to add them to my smoothies for sweetness and thickness. Pureeing a frozen banana in the food processor makes an excellent base for what I like to call “Nice Cream.”  (Kids love this, too!)


1 large banana, peeled, sliced and frozen

½ c frozen mango chunks

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

½ c vanilla almond milk

  • Add banana, mango and protein powder to a food processor and process until it reaches a grainy
  • Add almond milk and process again until smooth and dreamy—I mean creamy!
  • Add a few more dribbles of almond milk as needed to achieve the right